The Coral Farmers MarketSM company

The Coral Farmers MarketSM company is currently owned and operating by Steve Tyree. We are currently based out of Abilene Texas which is a central US location. We can service the west coast and east coast from this location. The Coral Farmers MarketSM company was originally started by Steve Tyree and Art Petit. We were originally based within Southern California. After our first 10 years of operation, during the beginning of 2016, Art Petit decided to leave the company and concentrate on his family and his main employer. Current owner and operator Steve Tyree has been farming and selling corals for over 20 years. He is considered a coral farming industry insider. The company can be contacted at the address below.

The Coral Farmers MarketSM Servicemark

The Corals Farmers MarketSM company has service marked the phrase 'Coral Farmers Market' exactly as shown. We also fully intend to register this servicemark as soon as possible. It is currently our established Common Law Servicemark. We were the first to use this term to identify the services we offer at our coral fragment events. These events have been typically referred to as 'coral swaps' or 'frag swaps'. Our phrase was created by Steve Tyree and Art Petit and we feel that this phrase better identifies the services we offer to attendees and vendors at our events. A Coral Farmers MarketSM event is more of a free market trade show then it is a coral frag swap. We want to make sure this servicemarked phrase becomes identified with a specific type of coral exchange event. This will help to inform the public about the type of event we are sanctioning and will also inform our vendors about the type of event they will be attending. For example, all the Coral Farmers MarketSM sanctioned events that occurred during 2006/2007 and all the events that occured during 2008, were for profit events. Coral 'frag swaps' and 'coral swaps' are typically operated by Hobbyist organizations which are non-profits. Trademarks and Servicemarks are all about accurately informing the public about a product or service. Other coral exchange events should continue to call their events 'frag swaps' or coral swaps'. Or perhaps even 'coral fairs'. Some may even develop new unique potential servicemarkable phrases such as Reef-A-PaloozaSM developed by the SCMAS organization. So the reason we have placed the little SM on this web site after every use of the phrase Coral Farmers MarketSM is too inform other businesses and organizations that we have servicemarked and will register the phrase 'Coral Farmers Market'SM.

The Coral Farmers MarketSM Logo Trademark

The Coral Farmers MarketSM logo appears in the upper left area of this web site. This logo is our merchandise trademark. It was constructed by Steve Tyree at the end of 2005. It was first used on the Coral Farmers MarketSM web site on January 1st 2006. Steve Tyree also created all the photographic coral images with a digital camera. All coral images were of corals that were held within Steve Tyree's Reeffarmers farming systems for at least two months except for one of the images. The corals fragments imaged in Reeffarmers facility were initially acquired from various farming sources. They represent the diverse collection of corals that will be offered for sale at Coral Farmers MarketSM events. This image is not only the Trademark image of the Coral Farmers MarketSM, it is also the copyrighted work of Steve Tyree. Do not place this image on: any web site other then; any distributed product other then products authorized by the Coral Farmer MarketSM company; or any distributed media type, unless the Coral Farmers MarketSM has authorized its specific use. The only entities besides the Coral Farmers MarketSM company that will be authorized to use this logo will be Coral Farmers MarketSM sanctioned events and any other resellers authorized by the Coral Farmers MarketSM company. The Coral Farmers MarketSM company will be selling many of these authorized items that include the trademark through this web site and through our sanctioned events. The ownership, copyright and first use of this logo can be easily verified. Do not illegally use this logo.

Coral Farmers Market SM

Can be contacted through our email

Copyright © 2006-2016 Coral Farmers Market SM All Rights Reserved.
'Coral Farmers Market' is a Common Law servicemark of the Coral Farmers Market company.