Sheraton North Houston
Intercontinental Airport Hotel
15700 John F. Kennedy Boulevard
Houston, Texas 77032Note - The 2015 Reef Currents cohosted event was very well attended. The only problems occurred when harse winter weather caused a few vendors to miss the event. The vendors that managed to attend, did very well as the weather in Houston was cold, but there was no snow or ice. The rest of Texas had snow and or ice that weekend. We currently estimate a crowd size much larger then 2014. For 2016, Reef Currents may look into scheduling one or two months later into the spring to avoid future winter weather problems for northern vendors.
The Coral Farmers MarketSM company was proud to announce our co-hosting of the second annual Reef Currents 2015 Presented by MARSH (Marine Aquarium and Reef Society of Houston). The event was held in Houston Texas on February 28th 2015. This event featured nationally known speakers including Sanjay Joshi, Scott Fellman and Mark Callahan (Mr. Saltwater Tank). The MARSH club also conducted a large raffle.
G Sponsor
DD Sponsor
L Sponsor
Q Retail Shop
Aurora, Colorado Booth
M Retail Shop
Peyton, Colorado Booth
J Reef Shop
Orem, Utah Booth
X Retail Shop
West Texas Booth
BB Retail Farmer
Eaton, Colorado Booth
K Retail Farmer
Dallas, Texas Booth
Z Plastic and Wood Fabrication
Houston, Texas Booth
O Retail Shop
Houston, Texas Booth
D Retail Shop
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Booths
E and H Retail Shop
Houston, Texas Booth
-- Retail Shop
Houston, Texas Booth
P DFW Crew Retail Shop
Dallas Fort Worth, Texas Booth
W Coral Cove Retail Shop
San Antonio, Texas Booth
Select Corals Retail Shop
Fort Worth, Texas Booth
R Retail Shop
Georgia Booth
V Retail Shop
A Exhibitor
Florida Booth
AA Exhibitor
Texas Booth
C Exhibitor
Texas Booth
F Tweet
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'Coral Farmers Market' is a Common Law servicemark of the Coral Farmers Market company.