Coral Farmers MarketSM Sanctioning Benefits
> Purchases will support the coral farmers within the events geographic area.
> Perhaps one of the largest collections of farmed corals ever offered for sale locally.
> Items can be reserved ahead of time through the Coral Farmers MarketSM vendor forums.
> Corals from vendors not normally located within the attendees area may be available.
> Attendees will not be supporting the sale of any whole imported wild coral colonies.
> Live coral auctions and raffles will be occurring within the event.
> Door prizes will be given away.
> The event will be held within a normal supporting business establishment.
> Each vendor has their own discussion board within the Coral Farmers MarketSM Forums.
> Vendors can advertise presales and reserves on their discussion board.
> Superb logistical support from the Coral Farmers MarketSM company.
> Vendors will all have a proper local business license for the event.
> Attendence for these events should be strong.
> Vendors can travel to Coral Farmers MarketSM events outside their normal selling area.
> Establishes a presence within the fast growing farmed coral market.
> Create a documented history doing business within the coral farming industry.
> Each event will have a group of discussion boards on the Coral Farmers MarketSM forum.
> The organizing event will be authorized to resell Coral Farmers MarketSM merchandise.
> The Coral Farmers MarketSM will issue probationary periods to any problematic vendors.
> Organizer knows event will not be selling any whole imported wild coral colonies.
> The use of the Coral Farmers MarketSM logo will be granted to the organizer.
> The Coral Farmers MarketSM will help bring in vendors from outside the events area.
> Regional advertising will be assisted by the Coral Farmers MarketSM company.