The Coral Farmers MarketSM company and coorganizer Reef Raft USA, brought our second annual coral show to Southern California. The West Coast Coral Show occurred on Saturday April 27th 2019. We moved to a different hotel for our second show to get the 2019 weekend that best fits show schedules. The paid attendance for our second event was 384. That is an increase of 91 from our first event in 2018. So we have pretty much reached near the established 400 paid mark for our current coral show event models. Thanks to everyone who attended this event. We are currently looking at some additional hotels to see what is currently available in this area. We are prepared to reuse the Fullerton venue in 2020, but need to look at 5 to 6 other venues first. We will update that decision here by the end of May. This event was hosted by Steve Tyree.
Attendance tickets are only available now for purchase at the front door during the event. They are $10 per attendee with children 12 and under free.
Vendor Hall Open to Public Saturday April 27th [11:00 AM - 4:00 PM]
Retail Shop
California |
Booth L |
Retail Shop
California |
Booth F |
Retail Shop
California |
Booth MM |
Retail Shop
California |
Booth DD |
Retail Shop
California |
Booth M |
Jesus Saltwater Aquariums
Retail Shop
California |
Booth II |
Retail Shop
California |
Booth G |
Retail Shop
Utah |
Booth KK |
Retail Shop
California |
Booth H |
Deep Blue Aquarium
Retail Shop
California |
Booth LL |
Jestersix |
Product Manufacturer
California |
Booth N |
Retail Shop
California |
Booth EE |
Retail Shop
California |
Booths JJ |
Retail Shop
Utah |
Booth OO |
Retail Shop
California |
Booth I |
Retail Shop
Washington |
Booth J |
West Coast Frags
Aquarist Farmer
California |
Booth K |
Online Shop
California |
Booth B |
Retail Shop
California |
Booth A |
Retail Shop
California |
Reef Gadgets
Retail Shop
California |
Jesse Soto
Aquarist Farmer
California |
Booth E |
Product Distributor
California |
Booth C |
Online Shop
California |
Booth NN |
Hobbyist Organization
California |
Booth CC |
Hobbyist Organization
California |
Booth BB |
Event Organizer
California |
Entrance Area |
Event Organizer Texas |
Event Floor |
WCCS (event organizer) 3:30 PM Raffle
A $35 gift certificate for Steve Tyree emedia products
5 eBooks and 2 eVideo presentations to select from
Gift certificate contains a download key for gift credit
Certificate is signed by the author Steve Tyree
Purchased from
Raffle Lot # WCR008
Scheduled at 3:30 PM
Starter Sponge Cryptic Filtration Pack $65 retail value
Living captive grown filtration pack requires no light
Contains 5 items including 4 tiny sponge seed rocks
Also includes 1 premium seed rock with multiple organisms
Purchased from
Raffle Lot # WCR007
Scheduled at 3:30 PM
Cleaner Kit (35 gallon reef)
Reef Cleaner Kit with Snails and Hermit Crabs
Sized for a 35 Gallon Reef System
From Harry's Marine Life
13609 Alma Ave. Gardena
424-201-9783 Sun-Thur 9-4 PM
Donated by
Raffle Lot # WCR009
Scheduled at 3:30 PM
Starter Sponge Cryptic Filtration Pack $65 retail value
Living captive grown filtration pack requires no light
Contains 5 items including 4 tiny sponge seed rocks
Also includes 1 premium seed rock with multiple organisms
Purchased from
Raffle Lot # WCR006
Scheduled at 3:30 PM
Cleaner Kit (35 gallon reef)
Reef Cleaner Kit with Snails and Hermit Crabs
Sized for a 35 Gallon Reef System
From Harry's Marine Life
13609 Alma Ave. Gardena
424-201-9783 Sun-Thur 9-4 PM
Donated by
Raffle Lot # WCR010
Scheduled at 3:30 PM
Starter Sponge Cryptic Filtration Pack $65 retail value
Living captive grown filtration pack requires no light
Contains 5 items including 4 tiny sponge seed rocks
Also includes 1 premium seed rock with multiple organisms
Purchased from
Raffle Lot # WCR005
Scheduled at 3:30 PM
Pipe and Drape Setup Friday 4/26 [6:00 PM - 8:00 PM]
Vendor Setup Friday 4/26 [8:00 PM - 10:00 PM]
Vendor Setup Saturday 4/27 [8:00 AM - 11:00 AM]
Vendor Hall Open to Public Saturday 4/27 [11:00 AM - 4:00 PM]
Vendor Teardown Saturday 4/27 [4:00 PM - 6:00 PM]
Copyright © 2018 Coral Farmers Market SM All Rights Reserved.
'Coral Farmers Market'
is a Common Law servicemark of the Coral Farmers Market company.