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Saturday September 15 Out of Town Setup Schedule
CFM Crew Setup Only
Vendor Setup Only
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
8:00 PM - 11:00 PM (Hard Cutoff)

Sunday September 16 Local Setup Schedule
CFM Crew Setup Only
Vendor Setup Only
Public Attendance
7:00 AM - 7:30 AM
7:30 AM - 10:30 AM
10:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Vendors can access the Vendor menu items above for additional information and to reserve booth space. We realize the greater the number of coral farmers who choose to sell their corals at our Coral Farmers MarketSM events, the greater will be the number of aquarists who choose to attend our events. That is why we have made the booth price very inexpensive when compared to full conference booth space. Our booth prices are comparable to those charged by other large scale coral exchange events that have been run in various locations throughout the United States the past couple of years. We are hoping that the best exotic coral farmers within the southwest attend this Coral Farmers MarketsSM event. We have scheduled the Inland Empire Coral Farmers MarketSM (IE-CFM) event to occur a couple of weekends after the end of summer. Hopefully, participation in our end of summer IE-CFM event will develop into a great way for southwestern coral farmers to start their busy fall selling seasons.

This event has been sanctioned by the Coral Farmers MarketSM company. These sanctioned events are intended to legitimize, expand and develop the exchange of captive grown corals into a main stream form of commerce for the exotic coral market. The Coral Farmers MarketSM company firmly believes that the future of the captive coral market can only be guaranteed with the promotion of captive coral farming. There have been many increasing pressures that have signifcantly affected the world's natural coral reefs, not to mention the increasing difficulties that exporting nations are encountering when they attempt to import something into the post 9/11 United States. All of these factors point to a future where the importing of live wild coral colonies into the United States will be severly limited. For these reasons, the Coral Farmers MarketSM company sanctions and supports events that promote the exchange of farmed coral.

Farmers selling corals to the public during the 2012 Inland Empire Coral Farmers MarketSM will need California seller permits. If you are a California retail business, you will already have the permit. If you are an aquarist farmer from the State of California or an out of state business, you will need a temporary seller permit from the State of California. State sales tax of 7.75 % should be collected for the state. This tax must be paid, but vendors can choose to pay the tax for their customers. That will make totaling an invoice amount easier. For the seller permit application you will need the following information to complete the Temporary Permit Event Information Section.
- Period of Sales is from 09/16/2012 through 09/16/2012
- An estimate of your total event sales
- The space rental cost (how much we charged you for your booth)
- Admission to the event is not being charged
- The organizer of the event Inland Empire Coral Farmers Market

10022 6th Street Suite M
Rancho Cucamonga, CA. 91730
- Telephone is 909-989-9708
- The address for this event is Hilton Ontario Airport
700 N. Haven Avenue
Ontario California 91764

The sellers permit can be filed in person at a California State Board of Equalization Office or the form can be printed from the web and filed by mail. They typically want the temporary seller permit filed 1 to 2 months prior to the actual event. Click on this sentence for a link to access the California State Board of Equalization Web Site.

The City of Ontario California requires that anyone selling retail to the public within city limits must have an Ontario California City Business License. The IE-CFM will purchase a 1 day event business license from the City. Every vendor who purchases a booth will have a one day City of Ontario business license to conduct retail business within the event location. There will be no additional charges from the city and the IE-CFM considers the cost of the license fee part of the vendors booth rental. Please note that vendors are not allowed to sell food and drink to the public. That is in the Hilton Hotel contract. The City of Ontario does now require that we provide them with a list of the vendors California Sellers permit numbers. So we will be requesting a permit number when we invoice vendors.

Coral Farmers MarketSM events are promoting coral farming and we prefer that most of our vendors be coral farmers that setup displays to sell captive raised coral. Such a preference may have seemed ridiculous just 10 years ago, but captive coral farming has achieved remarkable success in the past few years. Presently, just about everyone maintaining corals in captivity has achieved at least some form of coral farming success. For the purposes of this Coral Farmers MarketSM sanctioned event, coral farming refers to the farming of corals anywhere it occurs on the planet. Cultured corals imported on artificial disks or constructs, are considered farmed coral. Whole wild caught colonies are not permitted to be sold within any Coral Farmers MarketSM event. Any infraction will be noted and the violation will be registered in private to the offender. They will be allowed to disprove the charges. If satisfactory innocence is established, the matter will be completely dropped. Guilty infractions will be assessed a 2 year Coral Farmers MarketSM event ban probationary period. No public notification will be given. One of the gray areas of this particular restriction concerns selling fragments of imported colonies. The selling of sections of imported wild whole coral colonies may be permitted in certain circumstances. It would be best to ask the Coral Farmers MarketSM staff to clarify ahead of time if your specific situation may constitute a possible infraction.

Copyright © 2008~2012 Inland Empire Coral Farmers Market SM All Rights Reserved.
'Coral Farmers Market' is a Common Law servicemark of the Coral Farmers Market company.
'Inland Empire Coral Farmers Market' is a Common Law servicemark of the Inland Empire Coral Farmers Market company.