2009 IE-CFM Raffles
The raffle items listed below were all raffled during the 2009 IE-CFM.
Gold Crown Sarcophyton Soft Leather Toadstoll Coral Bright Green Yellow Base Moderate to weak Light Moderate Current Actual Raffle Fragment Imaged Moderately Difficult to Maintain Soft Coral
Donated by Tracy Gray
Raffle Lot # ER012 Scheduled at 12:30 PM
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Tonga Purple Blue Mushroom Example Raffle Mushroom Imaged Moderate Light Moderate Current Moderately Difficult to Maintain Soft Coral
Donated by Art Petit
Raffle Lot # ER001 Scheduled at 12:30 PM
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Mark Ward Stag Acropora formosa Turquoise Polyps Blue Branches Fast Growing Staghorn Example Colony Imaged Raffle is for a Small Branch Moderate Light Weak to Moderate Current Easy to Maintain Stony Coral
Donated by Steve Tyree
Raffle Lot # ER005 Scheduled at 12:30 PM
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Red Sea Pom Pom Xenia White Pulsating Xenia Slight Pinkish Color Example Colony Imaged Raffle is for a Seed Colony Strong Light Weak Current Moderately Difficult Soft Coral
Donated by Steve Tyree
Raffle Lot # ER006 Scheduled at 1:30 PM
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Cyphastrea ocellina Atlantis Aquarium Example Cyphastrea Fragment Imaged Limited Edition Stony Coral Prefers Low to Moderate Light Levels Moderately Difficult to Maintain Coral
Donated by Art Petit
Raffle Lot # ER002 Scheduled at 1:30 PM
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Ponape Torch Staghorn Limited Edition Stony Coral Purple Pink Branches Violet Polyps Seed Colony Imaged Prefers Moderate to Strong Light Levels Moderately Difficult to Maintain Coral Raffle for Small Fragment from Seed
Donated by Steve Tyree
Raffle Lot # ER009 Scheduled at 1:30 PM
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Montipora Flower Petal Polyp Limited Edition Stony Coral Purple Edges with Pigmented Polyps Forms Plating and Whorling Shapes Example Colony Imaged Requires Moderate to Strong Light Requires Moderate Current Moderately Difficult to Maintain Stony Coral
Donated by Art Petit
Raffle Lot # ER003 Scheduled at 1:30 PM
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Bali Tricolor Acropora Limited Edition Stony Coral Purple with Intense Green Polyps Example Fragment Imaged Requires Moderate to Strong Light Requires Moderate to Weak Current Moderately Difficult to Maintain Stony Coral
Donated by Art Petit
Raffle Lot # ER004 Scheduled at 1:30 PM
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Meteor Shower Cyphastrea Exotic Massive Stony Coral Large Red Pink Corallites Bluish Base Pigmentation Example Fragment Imaged Moderate to Weak Light Moderate Current Levels Relatively Easy to Maintain Coral
Donated by Ian Borchert
Raffle Lot # ER016 Scheduled at 2:30 PM
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Bloody Mary cebuensis Montipora Auctioned Edition Stony Coral Pink Orange Montipora with Ridges Example Fragment Imaged Prefers Moderate Light and Current Levels Moderately Difficult to Maintain Coral
Donated by Steve Tyree
Raffle Lot # ER007 Scheduled at 2:30 PM
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Pink Sandollar Montipora Auctioned Edition Stony Coral Pink Red Polyps Medium Sized Bluish Base in Moderate Light Levels Example Seed Colony Imaged Image Copyright Reeffarmers Moderate to Weak Light Levels Moderate to Weak Current Levels Moderately Difficult to Maintain Coral Raffle Fragment is 3/4 inch in Diameter
Donated by Ian Borchert
Raffle Lot # ER017 Scheduled at 2:30 PM
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Pink and Blue Acropora prostrata Originally from the Reef of Tracy Gray Pink branches along with Blue Tips and Edges Strong Light Moderate Current Original Colony Imaged Raffle for Small Branching Fragment
Donated by SPS Coral Store
Raffle Lot # ER008 Scheduled at 2:30 PM
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Jason Fox PPE Cyphastrea Exotic Massive Stony Coral Purple People Eater Pigments Purple Corallites with Green Ridges Actual Raffle Fragment Imaged Image Copyright Steve Tyree Weak to Moderate Light Moderate Water Current Moderately Difficult to Maintain Stony Coral |
WWC Reverse Sunset Montipora Exotic Stony Coral Red Polyps with Green Body Additional Blue Edges Actual Raffle Fragment Imaged Image Copyright Steve Tyree Moderate Light Levels Moderate Water Current Moderately Difficult to Maintain Stony |
WWC Toxic Pie Chalice Exotic Stony Coral Intense Green Stripes and Bumps Bluish Base Pigments Actual Raffle Fragment Imaged Image Copyright Steve Tyree Moderate to Weak Light Levels Moderate Water Current Moderately Difficult to Maintain Stony |