2006 SW-CFM History
Images of the 2006 Event below !
New print
comemmorating the 2006 inaugural CFM event
Available on the Coral Farmers Market website.
Thanks to everyone who helped to make the very first Southwestern Coral Farmers MarketSM event a success ! We ended up with a total official attendance of 261 ! That occurred during a rainy winter weekend in Southern California. The selection of captive grown corals was the best ever offered for sale at any previous US event. We must apologize however for the late start and the operational problems that did occur. We have been getting some great feedback from the attendees and vendors. From a financial point of view most of the vendors did very well. Many attendees were very happy with the incredible corals they were able to acquire. The event was profitable for the SW-CFM and CFM, but the profit is represented by the capital assets (infrastructure) that we acquired. We believe that the operational problems we experienced affected our ability to maximize our cash profits. We will fix these operational problems for our next SW-CFM event which will occur once again in February 2007 !
SW-CFM and CFM Staff
SouthWestern Coral Farmers MarketSM Images !
(All images copyright of Wendy and John Moffit of Aquatic Systems Associates)